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Hakusanalla '-juliste' löytyi 2750 osumaa

Tracking development assistance for health and for COVID-19: a review of development assistance, government, out-of-pocket, and other private spending on health for 204 countries and territories, 1990–2050

Micah AE, Cogswell IE, Cunningham B, …, Vasankari TJ, …,…

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Body adiposity, but not elements of objectively measured sedentary behavior or physical activity, is associated with circulating liver enzymes in adults with overweight and obesity

Laine S, Sjöros T, Vähä-Ypyä H, Garthwaite T, Löyttyniemi E,…

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The associations between adolescents’ sports club participation and dietary habits

Heikkilä L, Korpelainen R, Aira T, Alanko L, Heinonen OJ,…

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Standing is associated with insulin sensitivity in adults with metabolic syndrome

Garthwaite T, Sjöros T, Koivumäki T, Laine S, Vähä-Ypyä H,…

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Global, regional, and national burden of stroke and its risk factors, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019

Feigin VI, Stark BA, Johnson CO, …, Vasankari TJ, …,…

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Väestötasoisen terveyden edistämisen intervention suunnittelu ja käynnistäminen vaatii aikaa, seurantaa ja arviointia

Dalbom L, Larivaara M, Vasankari T, Tuominen M, Rautava P….

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Childhood sports participation is associated with health-related quality of life in young men: a retrospective cross-sectional study

Appelqvist-Schmidlechner K, Kyröläinen H, Häkkinen A, Vasankari T, Mäntysaari M,…

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Physical activity from adolescence to young adulthood: patterns of change, and their associations with activity domains and sedentary time

Aira T, Vasankari T, Heinonen OJ, Korpelainen R, Kotkajuuri J,…

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Higher number of steps and breaks during sedentary behaviour are associated with better lipid profiles

Aho S, Vuoristo M-S, Raitanen J, Mansikkamäki K, Alanko J,…

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