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The overlapping burden of the three leading causes of disability and death in sub-Saharan African children

Reiner RC Jr, Welgan CA, Troeger CE, … , Vasankari…

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Adolescent transport and unintentional injuries: a systematic analysis using the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019

Peden AE, Cullen P, Francis KL, … , Vasankari TJ,…

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Exploring the relationships between adolescent alcohol misuse and later life health outcomes

Pascale A, Stephenson M, Barr P, Latvala A, Aaltonen S,…

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Factors associations with body size perception among adolescent goal-oriented sports participants and non-participants: a cross-sectional Finnish study

Mäkituomas L, Heikkilä L, Nurkkala M, Korpelainen R, Alanko L,…

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Relationship between liver fat content and lifestyle factors in adults with metabolic syndrome

Laine S, Sjöros T, Garthwaite T, Saarenhovi M, Kallio P,…

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Age-sex differences in the global burden of lower respiratory infections and risk factors, 1990–2019: results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019

Kuy HH, Vongpradith A, Sirota SB, … , Vasankari TJ,…

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Cross-sectional associations of body adiposity, sedentary behavior, and physical activity with hemoglobin and white blood cell count

Koivula T, Lempiäinen S, Laine S, Sjöros T, Vähä-Ypyä H,…

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Mismatch, empowerment, fatigue or balance? Four scenarios of physical activity up to 2030 in Finland

Kiviluoto K, Tapio P, Ahokas I, Aittasalo M, Kokko S,…

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Depressive Symptoms Are Associated With Accelerometer-Measured Physical Activity and Time in Bed Among Working-Aged Men and Women

Husu P, Tokola K, Vähä-Ypyä H, Sievänen H, Vasankari T….

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