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Mistä puhumme, kun puhumme HIIT-harjoittelusta?

HIIT-harjoittelu on kulkenut pitkän matkan Paavo Nurmen juoksuvedoista yhdeksi tämän…

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Elective cardiac procedure patients have low preoperative cardiorespiratory fitness: baseline results from randomized controlled PACO trial

Vasankari S, Mahlamäki V, Hartikainen J, Vasankari V, Tokola K,…

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Sports-related factors predicting maintained participation and dropout in organized sports in emerging adulthood: a four-year follow-up study

Rinta-Antila K, Koski P, Aira T, Heinonen OJ, Korpelainen R,…

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Floating epoch length improves the accuracy of accelerometry-based estimation of coincident oxygen consumption

Vähä-Ypyä H, Husu P, Vasankari T, Sievänen H. Floating epoch…

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The physical education orientation and activity among youth ice hockey coaches

Raudasoja I, Vasankari T, Simula M, Villberg J, Vähä-Ypyä H,…

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How does a school-based intervention impact students’ social cognitions on reducing sedentary behavior over 14 months?

Aulbach MB, Puukko S, Palsola M, Haukkala A, Sund R,…

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Escapism or integration? Family constellations reflecting on the leisure-time physical activity of adults

Leino HM, Hurmerinta L, Sandberg B, Kokko S, Lyytimäki J,…

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Predicting adolescents’ physical activity intentions: testing an integrared social cognition model

Balla J, Polet J, Kokko S, Hirvensalo M, Vasankari T,…

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Prevention of atrial fibrillation after cardiac surgery. Review of literature and comparison of different treatment modalities

Halonen J, Kärkkäinen Jäntti H, Martikainen T, Valtola A, Ellam…

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