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Physical Activity Recommendation for Children at Preschool Age

Recommendations for physical activity in early childhood

The physical activity recommendation for children at preschool age, published by the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2016, is called Recommendations for physical activity in early childhood.

The recommendations for physical activity in early childhood provide instructions for the amount and type of physical activity of children under the age of eight, and the roles of the physical, psychological and social environments as well as the planning and implementation of guided physical activity and physical education as part of early childhood education and care.

Summary: at least three hours of physical activity every day

Activity is invigorating

Being active is inspiring – too much sitting is boring

Children under the age of eight should get at least three hours of physical activity daily, consisting of activities of different ranges of intensity: light physical activity, brisk outdoor activities and vigorous physical activity.

Sedentary periods of more than one hour should be avoided and even shorter periods of sitting should also include breaks that are suitable for children.

Children must also be allowed to relax and unwind.

Infographic on the recommendations for physical activity in early childhood: Activity is invigorating. The key content of the image is written on the webpage.
Picture 1: Activity is invigorating. Recommendations for physical activity in early childhood 2016: Ministry of Education and Culture 2016:35.

Other contents of the recommendation

The recommendation also includes the following points:

  • The family is an important role model – physical activity and outdoor activities with the family
  • Create an encouraging atmosphere — listen and praise the child
  • Versatile physical activity in different environments
  • Motivating environment for physical activity
  • Sports equipment available to children — encourage to try
  • Sense of success from guided physical activity
  • Every adult can encourage a child to move
  • Collaboration with parents
Infographic on the content of the recommendations for physical activity in early childhood. The themes are listed on the website.
Picture 2: Joy, play and doing together. Recommendations for physical activity in early childhood 2016: Ministry of Education and Culture 2016:35.

Recommendation materials

The recommendations for physical activity in early childhood were prepared as a part of the work of the Steering group for health enhancing physical activity (TEHYLI) appointed in cooperation by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.

Read more about the materials:

Recommendations for physical activity in early childhood 2016: Ministry of Education and Culture 2016:35

Last updated: 19.8.2024

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