Webinar series held in collaboration with HEPA Europe.
Accelerometry under Scrutiny – Simple but Challenging
by Harri Sievänen, ScD, Adjunct Professor, Research Director, The UKK Institute for Health Promotion Research
The webinar held April 5, 2017 addressed many challenges the researchers are likely to encounter when they are analyzing and interpreting raw accelerometer data. Transparency of the data analysis and physical meaningfulness of obtained metrics are of utmost importance. Special emphasis was laid on accurate separation between physical activity and sedentary behavior by classifying these domains in terms of intensity and body posture. Participants of this webinar will gain better common understanding of core principles behind proper analysis and interpretation of accelerometer data in a 24/7 setting.
Please read the editorial in SJMSS about the accelerometry from the following link: http://rdcu.be/rLB7
Subsequent International Workshop held at the UKK Institute, Tampere, Finland 7–8 June, 2017.
Workplace Physical Activity – Findings from Piloting an Exemplar Physical Activity Employer (EPAE) Model
Michael Tornow, Senior Health Improvement Officer, NHS Health Scotland Darren Rocks, Senior Health Improvement Officer – Physical Activity and Place, NHS Health Scotland
John Howie, Organisational Lead – Physical Activity and Place, NHS Health Scotland
The webinar was held May 3, 2017. The Scottish national physical activity implementation plan A More Active Scotland was published in 2014 and set out four outcomes relative to the workplace setting. Three of these outcomes focused on the development of an exemplar physical activity employer model, which involved the identification of public sector, private sector and voluntary sector employers that would encourage staff to be more physically active. In 2015, the Exemplar Physical Activity Employer (EPAE) definition criteria and measures were established with agreement reached to pilot these and evaluate the feasibility of future rollout of EPAE.
This webinar covered three main areas:
1. The background to the establishment and piloting of the EPAE criteria
2. Findings and recommendations from the evaluation of the pilot process
3. Next steps for workplace physical activity in Scotland
Read more about the collaboration with WHO HEPA Europe
Last updated: 16.5.2024