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Search '-juliste' found 70 occurrences

HEPA Europe Webinars 2018

 Webinar series held in collaboration with HEPA Europe and The UKK…

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Other Health Promotion Materials

On the basis of scientific research, The UKK Institute for Health Promotion Research…

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“Smartly Commuting Workplace” – an electronic tool for workplaces to promote work-related sustainable mobility

Sustainable means of commuting offer various environmental and health-related benefits….

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Selected tests to be used in population-level monitoring  shoulder-neck mobility …

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UKK Health-Related Fitness Test

The UKK Health-Related Fitness Test is a field-based test battery…

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UKK Six-minute Walk Test

The UKK 6 minute Walk Test is a simple and…

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UKK 2 km Walk Test

The UKK 2 km Walk Test is a simple and…

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KaatumisSeula Tools to Prevent Falls

KaatumisSeula®-tools KaatumisSeula® was found to be a feasible approach to…

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Physical Activity Prescription (PAP)

Physical Activity Prescription (PAP) is a tool for physicians to…

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