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Search '-juliste' found 70 occurrences

First aid and treatment of sport-related injuries

The guidelines for first aid and treatment related to sport-related…

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Effects of physical activity

Physical activity can immediately make you feel better Being sufficiently…

Open page

Recommendations for the prevention of physical activity-related injuries in adolescents

Recommendations for the prevention of physical activity-related injuries State and…

Open page

Online application for assessing physical activity habits – Privacy statement

Created on 27 January 2021 The information collected from use…

Open page

Physical activity questionnaire for children and adolescents – Privacy statement

Created on 21 March 2023 The information collected from use…

Open page


European Union Physical Activity and Sport Monitoring System 2018-2020 The…

Open page

Counselling, lifestyle and physical activity in maternity care -study (NELLI) 

Physical activity and diet are both known to have favorable…

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