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Search '-juliste' found 70 occurrences

Predictors of Lower Extremity Injuries in Team Sports, PROFITS-study (2011‒2015)

Background  Several intrinsic risk factors for lower extremity injuries have…

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Promoting Safety in Physical Activity

Exercise-related injuries may reduce the health benefits of physical activity….

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VESOTE Effective Life-style Counselling for Social and Health Care Cross-Functionally

The VESOTE program reinforces and develops effective and target-based lifestyle…

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Developing physical activity counselling practices in primary care

Purpose of the project was to develop physical activity (PA)…

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Exercise Training With A Physically Active Lifestyle to Reduce Headaches and Improve Quality of Life

A randomized, controlled trial to investigate exercise training and its…

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Prevention of Chronic Low Back Pain in Female Nurses – NURSE-RCT

Background   Low back pain (LBP) is among the leading worldwide…

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KÄPY Research – Social Ecological Intervention to Promote Active Commuting to Work

Background  Walking and cycling to work can diminish health-harming sedentary…

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Breast Cancer and Exercise

This national multi-center randomized controlled clinical trial (BREX, NCT00639210) explores…

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Effect of physical activity on menopausal symptoms

Menopause, lifestyle and physical activity (MELLI)  Aims  Aim of the…

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