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Online application for assessing physical activity habits – Privacy statement

Created on 27 January 2021

The information collected from use of the application does not contain personal data. However, a privacy statement has been compiled in order to make use of the application as transparent as possible.

Assess your physical activity application:

Data controller’s information

The UKK Institute for Health Promotion Research (Urho Kekkosen Kuntoinstituuttisäätiö), Kaupinpuistonkatu 1, 33500 Tampere, Finland info(a)

Questions about privacy


Other contacts


Purpose of processing data

Users of the online application respond to questions about their physical activity and receive feedback and a summary of the sufficiency of their physical activity in comparison to the recommendations. The users may also save the summary on their own computer. In addition, users can read tips related to changing their physical activity habits via various internet links collected for the application. The application is open to everyone, and it can be used at no cost on the UKK Institute online platform.

Principles of processing data

Based on the responses provided by users, the UKK Institute for Health Promotion Research monitors the number of application users and the physical activity habits of those users. After responding to the questions, users are also given an opportunity to provide feedback regarding use of the application. The data collected from the physical activity information and user feedback is utilised to develop the application.

Data recipients or categories of recipients

The responses provided by online application users are saved on a server managed by Seravo Oy, which can only be accessed by the server administrator and persons designated by UKK Institute.

Cancellation of registration and removal of data

The data saved on the server does not contain any personal data or other such information that would make it possible to identify or separate the responses provided by an individual. As a result, the responses cannot be removed from the data at a later time.

Duration of data retention

The user responses are saved on a server maintained by Seravo Oy for two years, which means from spring 2021 until spring 2023. During that time, the UKK Institute for Health Promotion Research will analyse the data accumulated from the responses at the required intervals in order to develop the application. In this case, the data is copied and saved on an internal UKK Institute server, which is protected with passwords. The data will be deleted from the Seravo Oy server in spring 2023, and from the UKK Institute server in spring 2025 at the latest.

Data types

The application user’s recommendation group; amount and quality of restorative sleep; utilisation of daily opportunities to break up sedentary behaviour; utilisation of daily opportunities for light physical activity; weekly amount of moderate and vigorous physical activity; weekly sessions of muscle strengthening and balance training; summary of implementation of the recommendation with star classification; feedback questions about use of the application.

Origin of the data

The online application users respond to questions on an online platform by the UKK Institute for Health Promotion Research, and their responses are saved on a server maintained by Seravo Oy.

Information about the rights of the data subject

The user is informed about data privacy on the front page of the application.

Data transfer

Data will not be transferred to outside parties.

Updated on: 8.9.2023

Last updated: 16.5.2024

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