The RunRCT – Hip and Core program

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The hip and core program is based on The RunRCT -study by Tampere Research Center of Sports Medicine and UKK-institute. The study aimed to investigate the efficacy of different exercise interventions in reducing lower extremity injuries in novice recreational runners.

The training program with videos are available at Terve urheilija’s Youtube-channel.

More information about the study.

Original research:
Leppänen Mari, Viiala Janne, Kaikkonen Piia, Tokola Kari, Vasankari Tommi, Nigg Benno M., Krosshaug Tron, Werthner Penny, Parkkari Jari* & Pasanen Kati*. *jaettu viimeinen kirjoittajuus. Hip and core exercise programme prevents running-related overuse injuries in adult novice recreational runners: a three-arm randomised controlled trial (Run RCT). British Journal of Sports Medicine Published Online First: 09 May 2024. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2023-107926