Physical activity questionnaire
Answer the questions based on your own assessment. If you want, you can utilize your notes or weekly diary, for example.
The online questionnaire provides feedback about your physical activity habits and offers tips on versatile physical activity. It will take you 5-10 minutes to complete the questionnaire.
The survey does not ask for your name or other personal information. The responses will be saved on a server, but individual persons cannot be identified from the responses. The responses will be used to develop the questionnaire and illustrate physical activity in the respondent group (among respondents). Read the privacy statements.
How old are you?
Please note that the online questionnaire is primarily targeted for young people aged 10–17.
Where do you go to school or study?
Physical activity and sleep during one week
Think about the past week. You can use, for example, your notes. The questionnaire starts on Monday and ends on Sunday.
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- Sun
What time did you wake up?
Start by writing down the time you woke up.
How were you physically active on Monday?
Start by writing down the type or mode of physical activity or searching for it in the drop-down menu. If you can’t find the sport you’re looking for, choose “Other, what?”.
1 hour
If the physical activity lasted over 3 hours, add a new type or mode of physical activity.
What time did you go to sleep?
Start by writing down the time you went to sleep.
Physical activity and sleep during one week
Think about the past week. You can use, for example, your notes. The questionnaire starts on Monday and ends on Sunday.
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- Sun
What time did you wake up?
Start by writing down the time you woke up.
How were you physically active on Tuesday?
Start by writing down the type or mode of physical activity or searching for it in the drop-down menu. If you can’t find the sport you’re looking for, choose “Other, what?”.
1 hour
If the physical activity lasted over 3 hours, add a new type or mode of physical activity.
What time did you go to sleep?
Start by writing down the time you went to sleep.
Physical activity and sleep during one week
Think about the past week. You can use, for example, your notes. The questionnaire starts on Monday and ends on Sunday.
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- Sun
What time did you wake up?
Start by writing down the time you woke up.
How were you physically active on Wednesday?
Start by writing down the type or mode of physical activity or searching for it in the drop-down menu. If you can’t find the sport you’re looking for, choose “Other, what?”.
1 hour
If the physical activity lasted over 3 hours, add a new type or mode of physical activity.
What time did you go to sleep?
Start by writing down the time you went to sleep.
Physical activity and sleep during one week
Think about the past week. You can use, for example, your notes. The questionnaire starts on Monday and ends on Sunday.
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- Sun
What time did you wake up?
Start by writing down the time you woke up.
How were you physically active on Thursday?
Start by writing down the type or mode of physical activity or searching for it in the drop-down menu. If you can’t find the sport you’re looking for, choose “Other, what?”.
1 hour
If the physical activity lasted over 3 hours, add a new type or mode of physical activity.
What time did you go to sleep?
Start by writing down the time you went to sleep.
Physical activity and sleep during one week
Think about the past week. You can use, for example, your notes. The questionnaire starts on Monday and ends on Sunday.
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- Sun
What time did you wake up?
Start by writing down the time you woke up.
How were you physically active on Friday?
Start by writing down the type or mode of physical activity or searching for it in the drop-down menu. If you can’t find the sport you’re looking for, choose “Other, what?”.
1 hour
If the physical activity lasted over 3 hours, add a new type or mode of physical activity.
What time did you go to sleep?
Start by writing down the time you went to sleep.
Physical activity and sleep during one week
Think about the past week. You can use, for example, your notes. The questionnaire starts on Monday and ends on Sunday.
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- Sun
What time did you wake up?
Start by writing down the time you woke up.
How were you physically active on Saturday?
Start by writing down the type or mode of physical activity or searching for it in the drop-down menu. If you can’t find the sport you’re looking for, choose “Other, what?”.
1 hour
If the physical activity lasted over 3 hours, add a new type or mode of physical activity.
What time did you go to sleep?
Start by writing down the time you went to sleep.
Physical activity and sleep during one week
Think about the past week. You can use, for example, your notes. The questionnaire starts on Monday and ends on Sunday.
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- Sun
What time did you wake up?
Start by writing down the time you woke up.
How were you physically active on Sunday?
Start by writing down the type or mode of physical activity or searching for it in the drop-down menu. If you can’t find the sport you’re looking for, choose “Other, what?”.
1 hour
If the physical activity lasted over 3 hours, add a new type or mode of physical activity.
What time did you go to sleep?
Start by writing down the time you went to sleep.
Do you take breaks during sedentary periods?
Consider your long-term sedentary behaviour during a typical day. Think about how much time you spend sitting or lying down at home, at school, during hobbies and in vehicles.
Consider your long-term sedentary behaviour during a typical day. Think about how much time you spend sitting or lying down while studying, at home, during hobbies and in vehicles.
Consider your long-term sedentary behaviour during a typical day. Think about how much time you spend sitting or lying down at home, during hobbies, at work and in vehicles.
Physical activity during the week
The bars show a summary of your light, moderate and vigorous physical activity during the week.
Daily moderate and vigorous physical activity
According to the recommendation, you should get at least one hour of moderate or vigorous physical activity each day.
A green star shows that you have been moderately or vigorously physically active for at least one hour on that day.
A green star shows that you have been moderately or vigorously physically active for at least one hour on that day. Half a green star shows that you have been moderately or vigorously physically active for at least half an hour but not for the recommended minimum of one hour.
Excellent! You got at least one hour of moderate or vigorous physical activity on every day during the week, which means you met the physical activity recommendation. How did the physical activity make you feel?
Regular and versatile physical activity enhances health and well-being and improves fitness.
Remember that versatile physical activity also prevents overloading and stress-related injuries. Be active in different ways, change the intensity and make sure you take enough time for recovery.
Well done! The amount of moderate and/or vigorous physical activity you get is very close to the recommendation. Keep up the good work. You will receive 7 stars when you are moderately or vigorously physically active for at least 1 hour each day.
Regular and versatile physical activity enhances health and well-being and improves fitness.
Remember that versatile physical activity also prevents overloading and stress-related injuries. Be active in different ways, change the intensity and make sure you take enough time for recovery.
Well done! The amount of moderate and/or vigorous physical activity you get is very close to the recommendation. Keep up the good work.
Regular and versatile physical activity enhances health and well-being and improves fitness.
What would be a good way to increase your physical activity?
Good for you! Your physical activity level is getting close to the recommendation.
Regular and versatile physical activity enhances health and well-being and improves fitness.
What would be a good way to increase your physical activity?
Good for you! Your physical activity level is getting close to the recommendation.
Light physical activity, even in small amounts, is an easy way to increase the overall amount of physical activity. Physical activity can make you feel better immediately. Your mood will improve, your thoughts will be sharper and you will sleep better.
What would be a good way to increase your physical activity?
Well done, you’ve made a good start.
Light physical activity, even in small amounts, is an easy way to increase the overall amount of physical activity. Physical activity can make you feel better immediately. Your mood will improve, your thoughts will be sharper and you will sleep better. Continue by increasing your moderate physical activity in a suitable way by even a few minutes per day.
Well done, you’ve made a good start.
Light physical activity, even in small amounts, is an easy way to increase the overall amount of physical activity. Physical activity can make you feel better immediately. Your mood will improve, your thoughts will be sharper and you will sleep better. Continue by increasing your moderate physical activity in a suitable way by even a few minutes per day. Just a few minutes of physical activity is beneficial in terms of, for example, your vitality, coping and concentration.
There was room for improvement in your physical activity this week. Just a few minutes of physical activity is beneficial in terms of, for example, your vitality, coping and concentration. Even light physical activity is a better option than being sedentary.
Light physical activity, even in small amounts, is an easy way to increase the overall amount of physical activity. Physical activity can make you feel better immediately. Your mood will improve, your thoughts will be sharper and you will sleep better.
How could you start increasing your physical activity today?
Well done, you’ve made a good start. You got light physical activity nearly every day.
Light physical activity, even in small amounts, is an easy way to increase the overall amount of physical activity. Physical activity can make you feel better immediately. Your mood will improve, your thoughts will be sharper and you will sleep better.
How could you add moderate or vigorous physical activity to the days of your week?
Well done, you got light physical activity on several days during the week. However, there is room for improvement in your physical activity. How could you add moderate or vigorous physical activity to your days? Just a few minutes of physical activity is beneficial in terms of, for example, your vitality, coping and concentration.
Light physical activity, even in small amounts, is an easy way to increase the overall amount of physical activity. Physical activity can make you feel better immediately. Your mood will improve, your thoughts will be sharper and you will sleep better.
You got a little light physical activity. That means there is room for improvement in your physical activity. How could you add physical activity to your days? Just a few minutes of physical activity is beneficial in terms of, for example, your vitality, coping and concentration.
Light physical activity, even in small amounts, is an easy way to increase the overall amount of physical activity. Physical activity can make you feel better immediately. Your mood will improve, your thoughts will be sharper and you will sleep better.
Good for you! Your physical activity level is getting close to the recommendation. You also got light physical activity on several days of the week.
Light physical activity, even in small amounts, is an easy way to increase the overall amount of physical activity. Physical activity can make you feel better immediately. Your mood will improve, your thoughts will be sharper and you will sleep better.
What would be a suitable way for you to add moderate or vigorous physical activity to your week?
You’re on the right track. You got light, moderate and vigorous physical activity on several days of the week.
Light physical activity, even in small amounts, is an easy way to increase the overall amount of physical activity. Physical activity can make you feel better immediately. Your mood will improve, your thoughts will be sharper and you will sleep better.
What would be a suitable way for you to add moderate or vigorous physical activity to your week?
Well done! You got more than 7 hours of moderate or vigorous physical activity during the week. You will receive 7 stars when you are moderately or vigorously physically active for at least 1 hour each day. How did the physical activity make you feel?
Regular and versatile physical activity enhances health and well-being and improves fitness.
Remember that versatile physical activity also prevents overloading and stress-related injuries. Be active in different ways, change the intensity and make sure you take enough time for recovery.
Good for you! You get moderate or vigorous physical activity on several days of the week.
Regular and versatile physical activity enhances health and well-being and improves fitness. Light physical activity, even in small amounts, is an easy way to increase the overall amount of physical activity. Physical activity can make you feel better immediately. Your mood will improve, your thoughts will be sharper and you will sleep better.
What would be a good way to increase your physical activity?
Good for you! You’ve made a good start.
Regular and versatile physical activity enhances health and well-being and improves fitness. Light physical activity, even in small amounts, is an easy way to increase the overall amount of physical activity. Physical activity can make you feel better immediately. Your mood will improve, your thoughts will be sharper and you will sleep better.
What would be a good way to increase your physical activity?
Good for you! You get moderate or vigorous physical activity on several days of the week.
Regular and versatile physical activity enhances health and well-being and improves fitness. Physical activity can make you feel better immediately. Your mood will improve, your thoughts will be sharper and you will sleep better.
What would be a good way to increase your physical activity?
Good for you! You get moderate or vigorous physical activity on several days of the week.
Regular and versatile physical activity enhances health and well-being and improves fitness. Physical activity can make you feel better immediately. Your mood will improve, your thoughts will be sharper and you will sleep better.
What would be a good way to increase your physical activity?
Vigorous physical activity
According to the physical activity recommendation, you should get vigorous physical activity on at least 3 days per week.
Excellent! Keep up the good work.You got vigorous physical activity on at least 3 days of the week. This improves your endurance and helps you cope.
Well done! You got vigorous physical activity on at least 2 days of the week. This improves your endurance and helps you cope. How could you add at least 1 session of vigorous physical activity to the following weeks?
Good for you! You got vigorous physical activity on at 1 day of the week. This improves your endurance and helps you cope. How could you add vigorous physical activity to your week?
You didn’t get any vigorous physical activity this week. However, this would be important in terms of your endurance and coping. How could you add vigorous physical activity to the following weeks?
Physical activity to strengthen your muscles and bones
According to the physical activity recommendation, you should get physical activity that strengthens your muscles and bones on at least 3 days per week.
Excellent! Your physical activity this week strained your muscles, challenged your balance or developed your flexibility on at least 3 days of the week. Keep up the good work.
This kind of physical activity strengthens your muscles and bones and reduces the risk of injuries.
Well done! Your physical activity this week strained your muscles, challenged your balance or developed your flexibility on at 2 days of the week. This kind of physical activity strengthens your muscles and bones and reduces the risk of injuries. How could you add this kind of physical activity to the following weeks?
Good for you! Your physical activity this week strained your muscles, challenged your balance or developed your flexibility on at 1 day of the week. This kind of physical activity strengthens your muscles and bones and reduces the risk of injuries. How could you add this kind of physical activity to the following weeks?
This week you didn’t get any physical activity that strained your muscles, challenged your balance or developed your flexibility. However, this would be important in order to strengthen your muscles and bones and reduce the risk of injuries. How could you add this kind of physical activity to the following weeks?
Breaks to sedentary behaviour
According to the physical activity recommendation, you should take breaks during sedentary periods when this is possible.
The greater the number of red stars you receive, the more often you take breaks during sedentary periods.
There is room for improvement in your habits.
Extended periods of sedentary behaviour cause monotonous strain on the body. Taking regular breaks during sedentary periods enhances metabolism, improves blood circulation, relaxes your body and has a positive effect on your mood.
How could you break your sedentary periods? Could you better utilise opportunities by, for example, stretching, changing your position or location, or standing up once in a while?
There is some room for improvement in your habits.
Extended periods of sedentary behaviour cause monotonous strain on the body. Taking regular breaks during sedentary periods enhances metabolism, improves blood circulation, relaxes your body and has a positive effect on your mood.
How could you break your sedentary periods? Could you better utilise opportunities by, for example, stretching, changing your position or location, or standing up once in a while?
Looks good!
Extended periods of sedentary behaviour cause monotonous strain on the body. Taking regular breaks during sedentary periods enhances metabolism, improves blood circulation, relaxes your body and has a positive effect on your mood.
How could you break your sedentary periods even more?
Great, keep up the good work!
Extended periods of sedentary behaviour cause monotonous strain on the body. Taking regular breaks during sedentary periods enhances metabolism, improves blood circulation, relaxes your body and has a positive effect on your mood.
Amount of sleep during the week
The bars show how much sleep you got during the week.
Well done, your amount of sleep was steady during this week. Did you feel refreshed when you woke up? If you felt refreshed, you probably got enough sleep.
Adequate and good quality sleep helps you recover, protects your brain, improves concentration, has a positive effect on your mood, and reduces the risk of accidents.
How did you feel when you woke up? If you felt tired in the mornings, try increasing your sleep by, for example, going to sleep 15 minutes earlier.
Adequate and good quality sleep helps you recover, protects your brain, improves concentration, has a positive effect on your mood, and reduces the risk of accidents.
It seems like you didn’t get very much sleep this week. How did you feel when you woke up? If you felt tired in the mornings, try increasing your sleep by, for example, going to sleep 15 minutes earlier.
Adequate and good quality sleep helps you recover, protects your brain, improves concentration, has a positive effect on your mood, and reduces the risk of accidents.
Your amount of sleep was steady during this week. How did you feel when you woke up? If you felt refreshed, you probably got enough sleep. If you felt tired in the mornings, try increasing your sleep by, for example, going to sleep 15 minutes earlier.
Adequate and good quality sleep helps you recover, protects your brain, improves concentration, has a positive effect on your mood, and reduces the risk of accidents.
The amount of sleep you got varied slightly during this week. How did you feel when you woke up? If you felt refreshed, you probably got enough sleep. If you felt tired in the mornings, try increasing your sleep by, for example, going to sleep 15 minutes earlier.
Adequate and good quality sleep helps you recover, protects your brain, improves concentration, has a positive effect on your mood, and reduces the risk of accidents.
The amount of sleep you got varied during this week. How did you feel when you woke up? If you felt refreshed, you probably got enough sleep. If you felt tired in the mornings, try increasing your sleep by, for example, going to sleep 15 minutes earlier.
Adequate and good quality sleep helps you recover, protects your brain, improves concentration, has a positive effect on your mood, and reduces the risk of accidents.
Plan for the future

- Compare your habits with the physical activity recommendation. Which parts of the physical activity recommendation do you think are already doing well in? What do you want to maintain?
- Choose a development goal. Is there an area in which you would like to see a change? What could you do to improve the situation?
- Make a plan. Can you think of one small act that would help you to reach your goal?
Open and load the plan for improving physical activity or sleep.
What could physical activity do for you?

All physical activity is a positive step! Be active your way. Every day.
Read the tips in Finnish Read more about physical activityYou can get more information and tips from physical activity or healthcare professionals. For example, familiarize yourself more about the services offered by your municipality, sports clubs, organisations or fitness centres.
You can get more information and tips from the school nurse, class teacher or PE teacher at your school.
You can get more information and tips from the school nurse or health education and PE teacher at your school, or from other physical activity and well-being professionals.
You can get more information and tips from the school nurse or health education and PE teacher at your institute, or from other physical activity and well-being professionals.
You can get more information and tips from the school nurse or occupational well-being teacher at your institute, or from other physical activity and well-being professionals.
You can get more information and tips from the school nurse or occupational well-being teacher at your institute, or from other physical activity and well-being professionals.